Welcome to the DANCEFULNESS e-course!
The Dancefulness e-course develops learning by doing methodology. It comprises theoretical background information complemented with practical video exercises
The course has been developed in order to help the trainers/teachers/choreographers and others working in adult education to better facilitate the development of skills, such as empathy, leadership, and creativity within the dance activity.
The course is structured in seven theoretical modules that try to build the connection between dance + mindfulness + positive psychology. After each of the modules, there is a short quiz to test your knowledge. The theoretical part is followed by 10 practical video exercises to explain how to work with the students.
The e-course is available in 5 languages: English, Spanish, Slovak, Greek and Polish
Participants that are properly enrolled in the course will receive a Certificate of attendance that can be downloaded directly from the e-learning platform.
For more information on the project please visit
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