ERASMUS + Higher Education
Altera Vita promotes as receiving Organisation, supervision in Higher Education Projects by Universities.
There is a Detailed programme of the traineeship period (tasks, work activities, deliverables and associated timing to be carried out)
During the program, there is a Monitoring plan (frequency and type of supervision by the company and the university, number of supervision hours, contact details supervisors).
Evaluation plan (assessment criteria to be used to evaluate the traineeship period)
At the end of the traineeship period, the student has acquired all five honour competences: innovation-driven, collaborative working, demand-driven, interactive learning, knowledge creation.

EN-SEL Network
Rotterdam University
of Applied Sciences with the cooperation of the Social Cooperative of
Cyclades as receiving Organisation we organize a Minor Project for Social
Emotional Learning-SEL, in Europe.
The internship is aimed at investigating and finding ways to improve Social Emotional Learning-SEL, in Europe.
For this internship, four students
from the University of Rotterdam with the supervision of Prof. L. F. J. Martijn (Rens), and Prof. Koning, M.A. (Mirjam), coordinators of the minor Beyond Borders
(Minor+ Beyond Borders
- Hogeschool Rotterdam), collaborating with Miltos Sakellariou, MSc Counseling
Psychology, President of the Social Cooperative of
Cyclades-ALTERA VITA, cooperate
for the formation of the EN-SEL- European Network
for Social Emotional Learning.
To do so, we will apply the method of Design thinking. This method has a lot of tools to help us find a solution to a complicated problem and to create a prototype. This prototype will present at the ENSA annual Assembly on the 15th of November in Venice.
The data we‘ll retrieve will be used under the legislation of GDPR and will not under other circumstances be shared.
To contact us: Bo Stal -

Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences and the University of Utrecht with the cooperation of Social Cooperative of Cyclades as receiving Organisation we organise a Minor Project for Telemedicine in Greece.
The traineeship is aimed at investigating and finding ways to improve the telemedicine system in Greece.
To do so we will apply the method of Design thinking. This method has a lot of tools to help find a solution to a complicated problem.
The activities consist of visiting health care organisations in Greece, interviewing people that are involved with telemedicine, applying tools to better understand the problem, find ideas and experiment with solutions.
Telemedicine would be considered as the most important technology as it makes it possible to treat patients effectively at a low cost. Today, it may seem to be a novel approach, but very soon, telemedicine software would be commonly used by healthcare professionals.