Course info

Online course for adult learners about competence 2: communication and collaboration.
Following the digital competence framework, developed by the EC, this training module will cover the competencies for communication and collaboration literacy competence.
The structure of the module will be as follows:
1.1. Interacting through digital technologies
1.2. Sharing through digital technologies
1.3. Engaging in citizenship through digital technologies
1.4. Collaborating through digital technologies
1.6. Managing digital identity
The course will follow the DigComp structure; the contents will be developed under the Andragogy methodology to adapt to the requirements of the target group. Gamification will take on
special prominence to motivate the participants to continue the course through all modules. For each module successfully completed participants will receive a digital badge that they
can share on social networks, professional profiles online or on their Europass CV. This will allow them to share their achievements and motivate them to get more badges. At the
same time, it will give visibility to the project.
The course will have a duration of at least 20 hours of e-learning training. The minimum content for each course will be one short video, 20 pictures, 4 infographics and 6 self-evaluation
activities. To receive the badge of completion, all participants must go through all training content and pass the final test that will appear at the end of each module.
- Use of proficiency levels. Even there are courses developed under this framework, there are no specific courses to train and certify the skills and knowledge of DigComp for low-skilled
- Certification of the course: for each course partners will develop a digital open badge to validate the knowledge gained for each participant during the course.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
- Teacher: Dimitra Sakellariou