Topic outline
Computational Thinking in Enhancing Primary Students' Social-Emotional Learning Skills
Social-Emotional Learning Skills & Computational Thinking
School is a learning environment where learning acquisitions and activities affecting learning, are planned and framed carefully. Therefore school is the only perfect place that may help an individual grow as a person who can comprehend and describe his/her own emotions, realize others' feelings and establish healthy relationships. In this regard, Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), as a key competence, becomes prominent not only for healthy social interactions but also for academic achievement, since success comes from having meaning in our lives, doing what we have passionate about and being aware of why and how we learn, that is all of these depend on our emotional conditions while doing something. In literature, one of the descriptions of SEL (SEL, 2003) is given as the ability to understand, manage, and express the social and emotional aspects of one's life in ways that enable the successful management of life tasks such as learning, forming relationships, solving problems, and adapting to the complex demands of growth and development (Cherniss, 2000). COMPUSEL aims to improve the SEL Skills of primary students and training primary school teachers for this purpose. We will develop a curriculum and digital stories including examples of different social and emotional challenges that we will discuss and seek solutions together with primary school teachers to foster self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship or responsible decision-making.
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COMPUSEL project (Computational Thinking in Enhancing Primary Students’ Social-Emotional Learning Skills) is an EU-funded Erasmus+ KA220 project that aims to improve primary students’ social-emotional skills through using computational thinking and training primary school teachers for this purpose. Social-emotional skills are widely recognized by educators and other stakeholders throughout the world. They are accepted as critical for students to help them learn effectively as well as to develop crucial life skills. Accordingly, it is important that these skills are an integral part of education.
The project consortium was established through the involvement of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Izmir Democracy University, University of Bucharest, University of Evora, University of Lodz and Social Cooperative of Cyclades.