Digital skills for adults - Course 2 - English
Topic outline
The structure of the module will be as follows:
1.1 Browsing, searching, and filtering data, information, and digital content
1.2 Evaluating data, information, and digital content
1.3 Managing data, information, and digital content
This module will put the focus on the following topic:
a) Critical thinking – hoax/fake news – what to believe.
Information and data literacy is a very relevant skill; during this module, participants will acquire the knowledge of setting their needs, find the information they need and also develop the skill to differentiate real information from fake information. This last skill is in close relation to safety skills.
The course will follow the DigComp structure; the contents will be developed under the Andragogy methodology to adapt the course to the requirements of the target group. Gamification will take on special prominence to motivate the participants to continue and move forward in the course. For each module successfully completed they will receive a digital badge that they can share on social networks, professional profiles online, or on their Europass CV.
In order to complete the course and receive your certificate, please fill in the evaluation form (click the link below), which will take no more than one minute. Thank You!