Title: |
Day Care Center for the Elderly (KEFI)- Greece |
Date: |
Since 2001 Greece has been given the
possibility of licensing and operating KEFI Since 2001 Greece has been given the
possibility of licensing and operating KEFI |
Objective: |
[[Objective]] |
Location /geographical coverage: |
Organisation responsible for good practice: |
Stakeholders and Partners: |
The beneficiaries of this good practice are elderly
people who are unable to fully care (motor difficulties, dementia, etc.), whose
family environment that cares for them, works or faces serious social and
economic or health problems and is unable to respond to the care she has
Short summary: |
Kifi operates in specially designed areas on a
daily basis and can accommodate the elderly for a short period of the day by
providing care services (daily hygiene and nursing), entertainment and creative
Impact: |
The programme shall be governed by the
recognised specific principles, which they refer to the elderly. Particular emphasis
is placed on safeguarding
the following rights:
Ø To live in decent living conditions in the familiar natural and their social environment.
Ø Be supported in order to maintain autonomy, social participation, communication and
Ø Enjoy social care services, where they they ensure health and quality living.
have an extremely positive impact on the elderly.
They provide day-to-day hospitality services,
·nursing care
·care to meet practical living needs
·personal hygiene
creative Employment· Programs
·to the extent possible, programmes for the development of functional
and social skills
The final
beneficiary of the establishment and operation of the structure may provide a
travel service for guests to and from KEFI, provided that they have a means of
Innovation: |
Kifis from their urban planning and as a
condition for obtaining their operating permit, must have the appropriate air
conditioning equipment that shapes the climate in their interiors in a way that
extreme weather events such as heat waves or excessive cold, do not affect the
daily life of the servicers and employees, providing a sense of comfort and
safety to them. The minimum indoor temperature is predicted for winter at
22 °C and for summer at 26 °C — 28 °C, while the relative
humidity will be 50 %. |
Lessons learned: |
Kifis is aimed at elderly urban and semi-urban
areas, unable to fully serve themselves (motor difficulties — dementia, etc.),
whose environment that cares for them is working or faces serious social and
economic or health problems and is unable to respond to the care she has
Kifis fills this gap by providing organised
social care, by qualified staff, volunteers and other social solidarity
institutions of the community, in appropriately designed day and/or short-term
accommodation. |
Sustainability: |
The answer to the above question refers to
part of the historical foundation of KEFI of the Municipality of Drama in 2017.
Since then, KIFI has been operating smoothly except during the pandemic that
suspended its operation. The Municipality of Drama included the operation of
KEFI in the city of Drama based on demographic, social and environmental needs
as reflected in the “Integrated Urban Renaissance Plan of the Municipality of
Drama”. More specifically:
The population of the
Municipality of Drama, according to the indicators of ageing of the Statistical
Service, is growing older and it turns out that Drama is getting older and even
quickly. In this context, with the increase of the ageing index on the one
hand, combined with the social and economic upheavals on the other, they
brought Local Government in front of the spectrum of adjustment of its social
role and the adoption of appropriate planning, so as to meet future social
needs, ensuring a quality life perspective for every citizen. Thus, the
creation of a Day Care Centre for the Elderly in the Municipality of Drama was
put on the table.
The construction of
KEFI of the Municipality of Drama took place within the framework of the
“Integrated Urban Renaissance Plan of the Municipality of Drama” and was funded
with funds from the European Regional Development Fund, through the Operational
Programme “Macedonia — Thrace 2007-2013” of the Region of Eastern Macedonia and
The Centre for the Day Care of the Elderly
(KEFI) of the Municipality of Drama is a typical example of how the EU Cohesion
Policy contributes not only to the creation of a project, but then it also has
the necessary resources for its operation.
It was constructed
through the NSRF programme during the previous period (2007-2013) and operates
through the same programme in the current funding period (2014-2020). In fact,
the necessary double funding came from two different EU Cohesion Policy Funds,
the European Regional Development Fund for its construction and the European
Social Fund for its operation.
thanks to Cohesion Policy funds, the elderly stay in a familiar natural and
social environment and live in dignity, avoid institutional care and social
exclusion and improve the quality of life of the elderly, but also of the other
members of their family. |
Replicability and/or up-scaling: |
The Greek state and more specifically the Ministry of
Development and Investment, assessing the positive results of the operation of
KEFI in Greece and in order to further facilitate the wider expansion of the
good practice of KEFI, proceeded in 2021 to reform the licensing law of KEFI
and legislate the “Simplification of the establishment and operation of Day
Care Centres for the Elderly and Two Day Care Centres for People with
Disabilities”. http://www.opengov.gr/ypoian/?p=11941
Contact details: |
Related Web site(s) ad videos: |
Related resources that have been developed: |
What training manuals, guidelines, data
sheets, posters, images, video and audio documents have been developed in good
- Ministerial Decision P1c/GAP/οικ. 14963/2001 — GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,
SERIES II, NO 1397/22-10-2001
Conditions for the establishment and operation
of Day Care Centres for the Elderly (K.I.F.H.)
- Simplification of the framework for carrying out economic activities
within the remit of Ministries of Development and Investment, Education and
Religious Affairs, Labour and Social Affairs, Maritime and Island Policy,
Infrastructure and Transport http://www.opengov.gr/ypoian/?p=11944
Draft description of the action and
instructions for drawing up the Rules of Procedure: ‘Centres for the Day Care
of the Elderly (KEFI) https://okpapa.gr/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/kanonismos-kifi-okpapa.pdf
- Thesis titled: The institution of the Day Care Centres for the Elderly.
The case of Kozani KIFI.
- Day Care Center for the Elderly (KEFI) Municipality of Preveza
- The Day Care Centres for the Elderly Northern and Central Corfu at the
Kapodistrias Museum
- Day Care Center for the Elderly Municipality of Lefkada
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