Séminaire Européen

 « Youth and self-image in the digital age»

From 7 to 10 September 2023

Au Petit Théâtre – 4 rue Pierre Duclot. Grenoble

Arrival of participants.

Transfer to the hotel in Grenoble city centre.

 Friday 8 September 2023:

9.30am : Welcome and introduction of participants. Reminder of the seminar objectives.
10am - 12pm : Impacts of European youth exchanges through theatre.
What impact has participation in European youth exchanges through theatre had? According to the young people themselves? According to the Network structures?
2pm - 4pm : Young people and self-image in the digital age.
What relationship do young people have with social networks? What image do they project? What image is reflected back to them? How does it relate to theatre ?
4pm – 6pm : An hyperconnected youth.
What themes or concerns are preoccupying young people in Europe today: eco-anxiety, gender, cancel-culture, the war in Ukraine... How can theatre be used to address these issues?
2pm - 4pm : Theatre, inclusion and democratic life.
4pm – 6pm : The Young European Theatre Network.

What are the effects of constant access to the internet, social networks and to the Other? For young people? For the network structures? Food for thought for the closing show of the 36th Rencontres and a working theme for 2024 (Youth and hyper-connection).

 Saturday 9 September 2023 :

9.30am : Welcome and introduction of participants. Reminder of the seminar objectives.

10am - 12pm : Current affairs among young people.

Who are the young people taking part in the JTE network: secondary school pupils, students, young workers, young people in precarious situations, young refugees, young people with disabilities, etc.? How do the member structures contribute to the democratic life of their area: acting as a focal point for citizenship and conviviality at local level, helping to promote civic inclusion, etc.?

The state of the network, avenues for development, possible synergies. Use of digital tools in the network's activities.

 6pm : Conclusions and perspectives

 Sunday 10 september 2023:

Departure of participants.

Last modified: Friday, 15 September 2023, 7:01 PM