Ensel Network and Well-Being

ΕΝΣΑ Working Group

At the Annual Assembly of ENSA on 15th November 2022 in Venice, after a proposal of Annalisa Bisson, Legal Representative of ENSA network - Director of International Relations, and Elena Courtopassi Social Policy Officer - Veneto Region, Brussels' Office, Veneto Region, and the acceptance of the Members, was created a new working group for promoting well-being and implementing Social Emotional Learning in Europe. The coordination in the thematic working group Wellbeing and Social Emotional Learning changes every fourth year.

Altera Vita, Greece

The present coordination of the thematic ENSA working group- Wellbeing and Social Emotional Learning - is led by the Social Cooperative of Cyclades, Greece, represented by Miltos Sakellariou, Family Therapist, Prevention Counselor in Addiction, Chairman of the Board and founding member of the Social Cooperative of Cyclades–ALTERA VITA.

 Altera Vita is a scientific research Centre that implements education and awareness programmes, in the areas of Social Economy, Health Promotion, Organic Farming, Environment and Sustainable Development, the Arts and Culture, Pedagogy, Psychology, and New Technologies.

For more information visit:  https://alteravita.eu/


ContactΜiltos Sakellariou, miltosakellariou@gmail.com

ΕΝSEL Network and Wellbeing Working group

ALTERA VITA with Universities, Schools, and Organizations working on ERASMUS + projects, for the last years and continuing, has created educational tools for Social Emotional Learning, and they have established an informal network for Social Emotional Learning, ENSEL NETWORK.



Social and emotional competencies become increasingly important and necessary in people’s daily lives, especially in the lives of children and youth, that are asked to cope with various challenges in their relationships and contacts with school peers, parents and other adults (such as teachers) they live, learn and socialize with.

The European Commission now recognizes “Social and Civic Competencies” as one of 8 key competencies for lifelong learning, needed to live in contemporary society, as Ann Marie Chavanon, Council of Europe, President of the Committee on Environmental and Health Crisis, highlighted at the Annual Assembly of ENSA.

The Commission also highlights the need for further developing teachers' and trainers’ competencies, motivation, and skills so that their educational approaches match the needs of learners.

Ensel network and Well-being will be conceived as an “umbrella working group of ENSA”, providing members with a platform and framework to join forces, exchange good practices and educational materials, and thus develop common actions to motivate all parties involved in Life Skills including both intrapersonal and interpersonal qualities.

Intrapersonal life skills include self-awareness, self-control, self-esteem, self-respect, and self-reflection.

Interpersonal life skills include effective communication, cooperation, teamwork and problem-solving abilities, respect for similarities and differences, appreciation, empathy, trust, and love for implementing Well Being in our communities.


 The main objectives of the new thematic group for Wellbeing and Ensel-Network :

 1. To coordinate actions and initiatives at the European level and develop partnerships across Europe

2. To campaign and advocate for a common European strategy for life skills, especially for Social and emotional competencies in Europe and to monitor and influence policies at the national and European levels for schools, Universities, Communities, and Organisations.

3. To produce and promote the exchange of good practices, enforce capacity building and provide tools and training to professionals working in the field.

4. To raise awareness among the public and empower children and young people as well as parents, teachers and stakeholders professionals, on how to achieve implement Life Skills in a Holistic approach in their communities for their well-being.

 For more information about different ongoing projects in Europe for SEL and Well-being, please visit the links below:


·       ENSEL NETWORK: https://en-sel.eu/

·       The living Art-Art of Living https://livingarterasmus.wixsite.com/livingart

·       REFLECT https://reflectproject.wixsite.com/site

·       COMPUSEhttps://compuseleu.com/#

·       RED https://erasmusredproject.wixsite.com/red-project

·       DANCEFULNESS https://dancefulness.eu/


If you are interested in participating in this working group of ENSA, please fill out the following form:  https://forms.gle/uCCqBiBo9oUpvtcX6


Elena Curtopassi

Social Policy Officer - Veneto Region, Brussels' Office




Miltos Sakellariou




Last modified: Monday, 17 February 2025, 3:56 PM