ALTERA VITA is a scientific research centre that implements education and awareness programs, working with volunteers in the areas of Environment and Culture and Social Intervention programs at the community level.

ALTERA VITA provides training to specialists who offer services in mental health and other health professionals, educators, managers etc., as well as parents and couples. The training framework of ALTERA VITA is based on the principles and applications of the Systemic – Dialectic Epistemology.

The main goal of training is the development of “the whole person” –Anthropos. The process of the training focuses throughout on the professional and personal development and the differentiation of the trainee.

During training, participants do not remain passive listeners but, rather actively participate in the process of learning by sharing personal experiences and emotions and interacting with other trainees and instructors in small groups and large group tasks.

ALTERA VITA. organizes domestic and transnational training sessions on a wide range of topics. To this end, it collaborates with a network of experienced trainers and experts in various fields. Experts with special knowledge, experience and training in their subject offer the opportunity for trainees to follow a flexible program from wherever they are, with only limited access to the internet,  to increasing social and professional changes in areas such as the social economy, Health Promotion, Organic Farming, Environment and Sustainable Development, the Arts and Culture, Pedagogy, Psychology, new technologies.

Our main goals are:

– Encourage and facilitate (inter)national mobility of youth

– Expand and improve social cooperation and volunteering projects with other associations.

– Enhance values of tolerance, human dignity, solidarity, empathy, cooperation, social justice and social integration.

– Promote a healthy and ecological lifestyle, and a sustainable development protecting the environment.

ALTERA VITA jointly with Regional and Local Authorities, universities, schools, and stakeholders involved for ongoing work in ERASMUS + projects have designed educational tools for Social Emotional Learning establishing an informal network for Social Emotional Learning, the ENSEL NETWORK. https://en-sel.eu/

Altera Vita participates actively in the European Network of Social Authorities. ENSA is a network of cities and European Regions that has the aim of promoting international cooperation in the social field. https://ensa-network.eu/

The ENSA Network counts 73 members from 16 different countries, a network of cities and European Regions that has the aim of promoting international cooperation in the social field.

The present coordination of the thematic ENSA working group- Wellbeing and Social Emotional Learning - is led by the Social Cooperative of Cyclades-ALTERA VITA-Greece, represented by Miltos Sakellariou, Family Therapist, Prevention Counselor in Addiction, Chairman of the Board and founding member of ALTERA VITA. 


The leaders of our organization have earned each other’s trust over the years in various events, projects and other activities during a lot of years of experience in working with Youth, motivation, management, administration, project work, the realization of different ideas and events etc.

Our members represented Greece in various international events. Each of them has a different user experience which, we are sure, is contributing to our success and good results, of course, can be useful in your project as well. We have an active network of persons in our region especially in the Cyclades. They are always ready to share their experience and good practices in every project, and help to involve young people in workshops, discussions and all project programs.

Team leader / President/Founder

Miltos Sakellariou, the President of the KOINSEP CYCLADES, studied Biology in Greece at the University of Patras and made research at the Institute of Ethology “La Montagne des Singes” in France. He has completed postgraduate studies in Counseling Psychology at Middlesex University, specializing in Addictions and Family Therapy. He has specialized in Special Education and School Psychology at the Universities of Ioannina and Macedonia-Thessaloniki IN Greece.

He has specialized in Systemic - Dialectic Psychosocial Approach and Team Process Work, as well as in the animation of young people from AKMA. He has worked at the Athens School of Medicine, Laboratory of Experimental Pharmacology. The object was the study of the operation of the Central Nervous System (CNS) in terms of Behavior and Biochemistry, the pharmacodynamics of drug groups used in psychiatry, and drugs leading to drug abuse. He has been working in hospitals, schools, in Greece, in Africa on a voluntary basis with Médecins Sans Frontières. Participation in mission with Médecins sans Frontières in northern Uganda.

He had worked as a Prevention Counselor in Addictions, with advisory groups of parents, teachers and teenagers at the "Cyclades Prevention Center of Drugs Abuses- OKANA’’ Public Entity-Ministry of Health.  In 2002, he created and undertook the training and coordination of the mixed (parents-teen-educators) theatrical group of FEREKIDIS till now. The theatrical group with drama therapy and teamwork techniques wrote scenarios that were presented to the Apollo Theater of Syros and were also presented at the International Youth Theater Festival in Grenoble, France.

For 6 years was the Director of the Youth Counseling Station of the Cyclades Prefecture, Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs. During the same period was the Anti-bullying Coordinator, at the Regional Directorate of Education of the South Aegean, for the Observatory of the Greek Ministry of Education on Violence In School.

He has been appointed member and General Secretary of the Board since 2015, of the Society for the Protection of Child Abuse and Neglect/Juvenile Delinquency of the Court οf Appeal Aegean District, (EPA Syros-Public Entity), providing services as a Social Service, for the prevention and treatment of juvenile delinquency and supervised by the Greek Ministry of Justice.  He participates in the Multidisciplinary Team, as a Prevention Counselor in Addictions, of the EPA Syros, consisting of a psychiatrist/child psychiatrist, health visitor, psychologists, social workers, and a Representative of the School Community to provide effective psychosocial support to minors and their families environment. 

He is Chairman of the Board and founding member of the Social Cooperative Enterprise of Cyclades –ALTERA VITA. He has the responsibility, for the application, management, and coordination of the EU ALTERA VITA’S projects.

He is a certified expert in the EU (EX2017D310072) and participates in the Committee on Environmental and Sanitary Crisis - Conference of INGOs-Council of Europe.

Project managers/ youth workers/ facilitators/volunteers

Lena Karagianni: Educator, teacher of Chemist, a youth worker for years. E-learning coordinator with expertise in creating e-courses and website development. Webmaster and Technical administrator of the E-learning MOODLE platform of our organization. She always keens on youth work and youth policy, deals with the Social Cooperative of Cyclades since its founding, and deals with the management of the Executive Council, the bureaucratic and administrative part of the Association.

Leonardos Palaiologos: A professional who is in close contact with the sending organization during the whole mobility process. Work and experience in EU projects since 1995 with ANADRASIS –an NGO in Syros. For more than 15 years engaged in youth work in youth participation and human rights education. Facilitator and trainer, non-formal education expert, international and youth mobility. Application, management, and coordination of projects funded by Leonardo da Vinci, Socrates, DG Education and Culture. He speaks fluent English and French.

Yannis Daskos:  Founding Member and General Secretary of ALTERA VITA, Teacher of Mathematics, and Physics, coach. He deals with young people and youth policies as well as having expertise in administrative and legal matters. Agricultural manager grows of our plant cultivations of Aromatic plants in our fields. Arrange the insurance required for the mobility travel (tickets, health, and accident).

Angeliki Sakellariou:  The last years engaged in youth work in youth participation and human rights education. She has participated in many international activities under the Erasmus + programs as a trainee and an active member of the theatrical team of ALTERA VITA. She works as a Facilitator with YE mobility projects, speaks fluent English and has significant social skills. She is an Occupational  Therapist at the University of West Attica in Athens and she has a certificate as a trainee finishing the Annual Program (2019-2020) in Special Education, from the Scientific Association for the Promotion of Educational Innovation (E.E.P.E.K.) in collaboration with the University of Thessaly. She has been involved as a trainee in a Special Education School in Athens “EEEEK KALLITHEAS”. She has successfully attended seminars on "Psychological First Aid Training" and "First Help Training & Surviving ". She is volunteering for STEPS since May 2020 as a street- worker. Also, she is participating as a volunteer in ART-TOGETHER (former Very Special Arts Hellas) in the "physical improvisation" group which includes dancers with and/or without disabilities. It's the only group of "sumperilipsis" that concludes not only people with or without physical disabilities but also people with mental problems. Finally, she has been attending dance lessons for 14 years and is planning after her university studies to work as a dance-therapist

Miranda Daskou: Biologist, youth worker having experience in mobility, with previous contacts with organizations abroad, and having knowledge of institutions and occupational groups in the area, as well as the means to contact them.  She gained experience in Youth Work through numerous local and international projects of non-formal education; she has participated in numerous activities abroad under Erasmus + programs. She speaks fluent English and French. Welcome the participants in the host country and provide personal support to the participants in crisis situations.

Pavlos Aimoniotis: Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Thessaly.  Actually, he is continuing his Postgraduate studies for preparing for a PhD at Upsala University. He has participated in research projects, through research laboratories and open-source tools. He actively participates in scientific conferences and has presented research papers at pan-Hellenic conferences of the IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. For the past two years, he has been working on software technologies on computer systems. He is an experienced software engineer (C, C++ etc.), and Web Developer and Designer (HTML/CSS, WordPress, Adobe Photoshop etc.) and has taken part in multiple website projects. He has been involved in learning platforms and technologies, through his specialization in “Technologies Education" that he had received in his studies and had the opportunity to deepen by developing research work on the functionality and effectiveness of such platforms. Electronic learning coordinator with experience in creating e-learning and programmer websites in organizations. He has participated in the Erasmus + Youth Exchange programs and has been a volunteer at local festivals multiple years. E-learning coordinator with expertise in creating e-courses and website development. Webmaster and Technical administrator of the E-learning MOODLE platform and Server Administrator of our organization. Actually, he develops with our team, the SOCRATES VIRTUAL project, an innovation, for Computer and Mobile Learning, Serious Games and Virtual Reality for Educational purposes, such as Virtual classes, Virtual training for disabled people, skills for employees of enterprises and Public Entities.

Antonia Sakellariou: Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Thessaly. She has a master’s degree studies at Embedded Systems from UPSALA University. Teacher of the E-learning MOODLE platform of our organization, Web Developer and Designer (HTML/CSS, WordPress, Adobe Photoshop etc.) and has taken part in multiple website projects. Project manager of the SOCRATES VIRTUAL project of our organization, an innovation, for Computer and Mobile Learning, Serious Games and Virtual Reality for Educational purposes, such as Virtual Class, Virtual training for disabled people, and skills for employees of enterprises and Public Entities. She actively participates in scientific conferences and has presented research publications. She has participated in the Erasmus + Youth Exchange programs. Active sailing athlete in N.O. Syros for over a decade with much participation in Panhellenic, Regional and Intercollegiate Championships. She has the responsibility of our Traditional Sailing School.

Alexandros Chalavazis: He was born in Syros and studies Electrical and Computer Engineering in the city of Chania, Crete. Started playing instruments like a guitar at a young age and has cooperated with some big names in the Greek Music Scene such as Stavros Xarxakos, Giorgos Dalaras, Aristos Vamvakousis, Gerasimos Andreatos, Kostas Doumouliakas, Vassilis Korakakis, Evelina Aggelou, Leonidas Lainakis, Giorgos Xintaris, Stavroula Manolopoulou and with rising talents such as Paris Xyntarianos and Spyros Chiotis and with foreign musicians such as David Yengibarian. He has participated in plenty of festivals like the Syros Accordion Festival, 12 Kaupe, and Skopelos Rebetiko Festival. Also participated in concerts that took place at Stavros Niarchos Institution, Apollon Theater (Syros) and various other places. He also works as an electrician during the summer period. Some of his interests are Instrument making, Sailing, and basketball.

Anthi Androvitsanea: Psychologist - EKPA Athens, postgraduate studies in health promotion and education, Medical School of Athens. Erasmus studies at the University of Aix-Marseille in Marseille, and an internship with Erasmus at the Cyprus Institute of Psychotherapy. Participation in other Erasmus + programs as well as volunteer at the LG Aegean Ball Festival in Syros. She can bring to the program her knowledge of the importance of outdoor activities in health promotion.

Margarita - Anna Papakyprianou: Biologist, continues with postgraduate studies in stem cells and regenerative medicine. Erasmus studies at Szczecin West Pomeranian University. It is a certified first aid and lifeguard. Since 2019 he has been working with the Erasmus Student Network AUTH. Athlete for 8 years in a Water Polo team.

Maria Vakondiou: Lawyer, Erasmus studies at the University of Maastricht. He has participated in 2 Erasmus + in Italy and Serbia. She has a master's degree in Tourism and Local Development at AUTh. Has been a volunteer at the LG Aegean Ball Festival and a children's camp. Can contribute to the program with knowledge of the history and culture of Syros.

Eleftheria Pouftsi: She is studying occupational therapy at the University of West Attica, and recently participated as a trainee in the department of pediatric psychiatry at the General Hospital of Athens "Gennimata". It has volunteered at the Archelon-Sea Turtle Protection Society of Greece and has been trained to maintain its wildlife in Zakynthos. She has participated in the E twinning program "Knowing me, I know you" and in one twinning program with an intercultural high school in Sapes, Rodopi. She's got attended drawing and painting classes Interested in physical protection, social challenges, refugee integration, empathy, and interaction with minorities through culture and art.

Daskou Mikaela: Pedagogical student of Primary education of Volos. He has been playing volleyball for 8 years often sports in nature. An active member of the theatrical group. She was a volunteer in a children's activities camp in Syros.

Mikaela Kapela: Student of Primary Education of Volos. It deals with the design, its environmental awareness and often sports in nature. She was a volunteer in activities children's camp in Syros.

Glezos Giannis: Computer student in Athens. He is engaged in painting, swimming, and outdoor jogging.

Natalia Xenaki: She is studying nutrition and dietetics at the University of Peloponnese. Interested in exercise and well-being and in the program can impart her knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.

Dimitra Sakellariou: Computer Science student at the University of Piraeus in Athens. E-learning coordinator with expertise in creating e-courses and website development. Webmaster and Technical administrator of the E-learning MOODLE platform and Server Administrator of our organization Web Developer and Designer (HTML/CSS, WordPress, Adobe Photoshop etc.) and has taken part in multiple website projects. She participates in Youth Projects with Erasmus + projects as coordinator. Active sailing athlete in N.O. Syros for over a decade with much participation in Panhellenic, Regional and Intercollegiate Championships.

In the ERASMUS + programmes are involved also other members of the KOINSEP CYCLADES- ALTERA VITA, Social Workers, Psychologists, teachers, ICT specialists, and youth workers.

We have the Quality Label from the European Solidarity Corps as a Hosting and Sending Organization. We involve in our activities, our volunteers.

Social Cooperative of Cyclades
Kepos-Manna, 84100 Syros 
E-Μail: alteravitacyclades@gmail.com

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