Warm Living is a housing corporation, responsible for managing several buildings that provide affordable housing to senior citizens. Their mission is to provide a warm living situation. Unfortunately, in recent years, the area where these buildings are located has experienced a significant increase in the frequency and intensity of heat waves. Instead of warm, it has become more often (too) hot.

As a result of these heatwaves, the elderly residents of the buildings have been experiencing negative effects on their health. Some have reported feeling dizzy or nauseous, while others have suffered from dehydration or heat exhaustion. Last year, the situation had become so severe that the local hospital saw an uptick in heat-related illnesses among seniors.

Most apartments within Warm Living are directed towards the south and have relatively large windows. These apartments are equipped with indoor shutters. About half of the apartments have a balcony, which in most cases has remained bare. Inside, most people have purchased a fan for themselves. Airco is only present in the central hall and dining room of the building.

Some ten years ago about half of the apartments were inhabited by couples. Because of ageing that amount has been reduced lately, resulting in about 75% of single living persons nowadays.

The neighbourhood of these apartments can be characterized as green and spacious.  There is a shopping mall, as well as a spacious park with lots of activities.   

The housing corporation Warm Living has recognized the heat problem and is determined to find solutions. However, they lack the expertise to realize this and have asked us for help. It is important to know that Warm Living participates in a large local welfare and health network, which stimulates the approach of more complex projects. Finally, they are open to innovative, maybe unexpected, solutions in order to support their residents in times of heat waves.


 1.     What could Warm Living in your opinion do to support its residents?

2.     Develop a comprehensive heat action plan for Warm Living. Make a distinction between personal (microlevel) and organizational (mesolevel) measurements.

3.     Describe which action should/could be undertaken by the housing corporation, and which by others (who?).

4.     Develop a clear timeline for these interventions.

5.     On the base of your profession or professional education, what can you do to support Warm Living? Make a clear, personal plan of approach, and elaborate what your actions are, and who else you need to work with.


Last modified: Sunday, 28 May 2023, 8:45 AM