1.4.3. I can create a WhatsApp group and add members to it
Completion requirements
How to create and invite into a group:
- Click Menu ( or ) above your chats list in WhatsApp. Alternatively, click the New chat icon.
- Click New group.
- Search for or select contacts to add to the group. Then click the green arrow icon.
- Enter a group subject. ...
- Click the green check mark icon when you're finished.
Can I add someone to an existing group chat on WhatsApp?
If it's an already existing WhatsApp group, the process is similar. Open the group chat and tap on the name of the conversation. Then More options>Group info>Add participants. Confirm the selection, and that's that.
The newly added participants will not be able to see the history of the conversation in the group so far.
Practical exercise:
please try to create a WhatsApp group. You will be asked about it during the assessment later at the end of this module.
Last modified: Thursday, 31 March 2022, 4:14 AM