In the Middle of the Sea
Enrolment options

For 7 days, 30 young people from 5 European islands/archipelagos will meet on the island of Sant'Antioco, which in its various scenarios and as an island linked to problems related to anthropization, will be the place to carry out observations, gathering information, register of harmful operations and good practices. The proposed basic elements concern the contexts of the islands from an environmental and socio-economic point of view. The activities will aim to meet theoretical information, share ideas and possible solutions, to test actions for the protection of the environment with the aim of stimulating the use of good practices in the active participation of young people, in the management of the environment and related social issues.
The first part of the exchange will be taken care of to ensure that the participants are able to identify and analyze the needs and problems of the context of their islands and to clearly highlight the condition and needs of the young people who live there. The proposal of knowledge of important issues such as biodiversity and climate change, including the deepening of problems and good practices related to water, energy, air and soil in relation to the objectives of environmental sustainability, will be aimed at expanding the scientific knowledge of young people.
The activities will then combine group exercises, interactive presentations and plenary discussions with theoretical inputs supported by experts to deepen and give scientific substance to topics such as:
• environmental sustainability;
• specific characteristics and fragility of the islands;
• climate and climate change;
• natural resources;
• positive and negative impacts of human action;
• biodiversity and natural resources;
• community and culture. In the final phase, the working groups will focus on issues that they will want to deepen in order to bring them down into the specific context of their island context. Lastly, the groups will focus on creating a shared educational activity. The results will become part of an event open to the local community and to the young people of Sant'Antioco, promoting and facilitating the possibility of establishing a dialogue on the themes of the project.
The working methods proposed during the exchange are: simulations, case studies, interactive presentations, brainstorming, learning by doing, debates, movies, role plays, tasks that stimulate creativity and reflection, team building exercises, practical exercises, reflections, specific methods of experiential learning, facilitated dialogues, group work, escape rooms/box/suitcase, sessions with experts on specific topics, world cafè, problem-solving methods, study visits, games, mapping exercises, individual works, debriefing, evaluation methods.
- Ottovolante Sulcis (Italy)
- Udruga Prizma (Croatia)
- Centre du Sport et de la Jeunesse Corse (France),
- Altera Vita (Greece)
- Teatro Metaphora (Portugal)