Virtual Study Visit
Weekly outline
ALTERA VITA is a Register Social Cooperative Enterprise of Collective and Social Benefit ( Koin.S.Ep.) based in Syros since 2015 and action area in the prefecture of Cyclades.
Our specific objectives are the following activities: providing specialized services through culture, environment, education, health services, prevention, and health promotion, the use and the cultivation of local products such as aromatic and medical plants, the preservation of traditional activities and professions, promote employment especially at disabling people, with the empowerment of social cohesion and the strengthening of local or regional sustainable development.ALTERA VITA is a scientific research Centre and implements education and awareness programs, working with volunteers in the areas of Environment and Culture and Social Intervention programs at the community level.
ALTERA VITA. organizes domestic and transnational training sessions on a wide range of topics. To this end, it collaborates with a network of experienced trainers and experts in various fields.
Experts with special knowledge, experience, and training in their subject offer the opportunity for trainees to increase social and professional changes in areas such as the social economy, Health Promotion, Organic Farming, Environment, and Sustainable Development, the Arts and Culture, Pedagogy, Psychology, new technologies.
Miltos SakellariouChairman of the BoardFamily TherapistPrevention Counsellor in AddictionsMSc Counseling PsychologyΚΟΙΝ.Σ.ΕΠ. ΚΥΚΛΑΔΩΝ-ΑLTERA VITASocial Cooperative of CycladesKepos-Manna, 84100 SyrosCYCLADES-GREECEtel:+306972204356E-mail: alteravitacyclades@gmail.comE-Learning: -
Altera Vita participates at the European Network of Social Authorities.
ENSA is a network of cities and European Regions that has the aim of promoting international cooperation in the social field.
ENSA was established by the Veneto Region in 1999. Since then the network has developed and supported solid partnerships between a wide range of European Regions and has carried out seminars, conferences, study visit programs, and exchanges of operators.
The co-operation between partners has brought about the opportunity to carry out several projects financed by the European Commission Collaborating with ENSA is a way to increase the dialogue with the European institutions and to become part of an international platform to implement shared projects.
ALTERA VITA aims at agricultural production through the cooperative orientation of aromatic and medicinal plants of our country, packaging, processing of local and traditional products and dishes, self-produced products with the promotion of cottage industry, enabling young or old farmers to discover an added value in their income. The exploitation of privately owned agricultural land of members of the Cooperative has already begun, and the planting of aromatic plants such as sage, thyme, rosemary, oregano, for the production, processing, and promotion of local products of Syros.
ALTERA VITA has been registered since June 2017, as a Legal Entity, in the Register of farmers and agricultural holdings of the Ministry of Agriculture. Our goal is the creation of a Multifunctional productive visitable farm, for teachers' programs related to sustainability, the environment, prevention, and health promotion.
Multifunctional agriculture is favored by EU rural policy and considered as a tool for integrated and sustainable rural development. Recent approaches to defining the multifunctional practices of rural farm households (different from those of ‘conventional’ agriculture) according to the use of their resources result in three dimensions: deepening, broadening, and regrounding.
More ( CLICK HERE) for Survival strategies of farm households and multifunctional farms in Greece.
ALTERA VITA includes the preparation and support of vulnerable adults and minors for their social reintegration and promotion in the labor market.
In this direction, the organization provides psychosocial and professional counseling support to people in this social group.In general, ALTERA VITA aims:
(a) The establishment and development of structures for the protection of vulnerable adults and minors in cooperation with bodies and organizations.
(b) to raise awareness among employers and society of issues concerning vulnerable groups and especially people with special needs.c) research - study and proposals to tackle social exclusion.
(d) encouraging - strengthening and exploiting private initiative and volunteering
ALTERA VITA with KEFIAP Syros ( Department for disabled people of the Hospital of Syros), after an Agreement, serving people with disabilities, which are predominantly included in the following diagnostic categories:
neurological difficulties, cerebral palsy, mental retardation, diffuse disturbances
KEFIAP operates as a Day Centre, providing evaluation, support, treatment, and monitoring in outpatients and patients to their families.At the same time, it organizes parallel actions that enhance healing and rehabilitation, which includes laboratories for the Disabled people and support groups and counseling of parents/guardians; their curers.
a) Parents / guardians / carers, groups of disabled people.
b) Entertainment, socialization workshops and training of those benefiting from the KEFIAP.
C) Counselling groups for employment with Disabled people.ERASMUS + YOUR LIFE YOUR STORY: Hello my name is Antonis Stellas.
The moving story of Antonis .... We all have our own personal story. But Antonis's story is different. He has been through trial, pain, struggle, and agony for life and eventually returns again with strength, will, an effort for a new beginning through the gift of dance. Thank you, Antony, for teaching us all the time we are in the STORYTELLING team every Wednesday.
On the basis of Your life - Your Story Project organized a competition to select the best story. There were six countries cooperating in this project.
Each of them applied with two movies, their own two stories, some personal, some imaginative, some of the stories were made during the project. The winning story was Hello my name is Antonis Stellas from the Greek team and he got a nice reward in the final project meeting in Celje -Slovenia.
ALTERA VITA also works with youth programs related to the environment and Health Promotion. Through the Health Promotion program "Walk along the paths of my island - discover myself", there is an opportunity for teamwork.
Among the goals of the Cooperative in terms of sustainable development is the implementation of the following activities:
a. Protection and restoration of the natural environment and biodiversity.
b. Environmental upgrade of traditional settlements
c. Alternative, thematic and mild tourism,
d. Capture the traditional paths of the Cyclades and protect them from destruction.
e. Educational Environmental Programs for pupils, young people, students, for the acquisition of personal and social skills through contact with the natural environment and the collaborative-experiential approach.
Teenagers, get to know themselves while discovering the paths of their islands. They gain personal development skills and related in a different way with their teachers and their parents.
The project has the approval and inclusion in the Youth program, under the auspices of the Ministry for Youth.
Within the framework of the program, there is a training package and an e-book, like a tool kit.
Educational material for the paths of Syros
The main activity of ALTERA VITA is to contribute to the study and promotion of the history and culture and the protection of the environment of Syros and the surrounding islands of the Cyclades, through collective processes.
ALTERA VITA includes a theatre workshop with the participation of 25 adults and teenagers. For more than 15 years, the theatre group, through drama therapy and group processing techniques, created scenarios, which were presented at the Young European Theatre Network in Grenoble-France.
The Young European Theatre Network was born from the Young European Theatre Rencontres which have been taking place in Grenoble since 1989. It has been made official during the seminar which was held in Grenoble, in May 2004, and which gathered participants from 18 European and non-European countries.
It is made up of professional directors who have chosen to work with young people, being whether on professional theatrical training of young professionals. It gathers dozens of structures: companies, theatre schools, and theatrical academies, festivals, divided up in all Europe and beyond.
It is a space where artists, groups, companies, and young people, share their practices, experiences, and their theatre vision. This one encourages practices and abilities exchanges, between artists and theatre teachers.
It is a plural artistic movement and an international theatre laboratory. Its members organize cultural and artistic exchanges: co-productions, bilateral training courses, show productions, professional theatrical training, festivals.
The Young European Theatre promotes intercultural apprenticeship, diversity respect, Human Rights and solidarity values. It cooperates to the construction of a pacified, democratic, tolerant, jointly liable Europe, open to the World and contributing to Peace.
The alternate summer school ALTERA SCUOLA for children, with the cooperation of the Catholic Private School Ag. George-Frere is running a few years with great success and is now in our own place.
Children aged 5-14 years have the opportunity to "escape" from life in the city by participating in a special experience at the "Agios Georgios-FRER" private school in Ermoupolis.
A rich summer educational program, including visual arts, musical and theatrical workshops, photography and cinema, environmental awareness, emotional education groups.
The Summer Educational Program aims to integrate children into a creative process, to free up imagination and creativity, to acquire knowledge, to enhance skills, to stimulate sociality and communication, to cultivate a team spirit through entertainment, various expressive and artistic inventions.Through this comprehensive program of activities, the ALTERA VITA ALTERA SCUOLA summer school aims to function as a tool for the social and cultural development of our society.
In each thematic section, ALTERA VITA ALTERA SCUOLA asks to stimulate the interest of participating children through experiential education groups, so that they begin to seek and learn how to approach Psychic and Physical Health, Culture, Sports, with responsibility, love, and enthusiasm -
ALTERA VITA is a scientific research center and implements education and awareness programs, working with volunteers in the areas of Environment and Culture and Social Intervention programs at the community level. ALTERA VITA. organizes domestic and transnational training sessions on a wide range of topics. To this end, it collaborates with a network of experienced trainers and experts in various fields.
We organize training courses of different types:
In-service training courses for staff of education and training organizations across Europe, funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission.
E-learning courses on vocational subjects or on key skills acquisition.
Training courses complementary to our consulting activities e.g. staff training
Experts with special knowledge, experience, and training in their subject offer the opportunity for trainees to follow a flexible program from wherever they are, with only limited access to the internet, to increasing social and professional changes in areas such as the social economy, Health Promotion, Organic Farming, Environment, and Sustainable Development, the Arts and Culture, Pedagogy, Psychology, new technologies.
Our distance learning system is based on the use of the e-Learning MOODLE platform.
The Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Developmental Learning Environment) is a certified free educational content management software (Course Management System).
Follow the link:
Socrates Virtual, also known as SocratesVI, was founded with the aim to make education easier and fun for everyone. The goal is to enhance the education system of the world by providing new innovative ideas and models for learning. We are a group of people consisting of software engineers, occupational therapists, counseling psychologists, and biologists. We try to combine our qualifications to mix education with technology.
Socrates project runs under ALTERA VITA - Social Cooperative Enterprise of the Cyclades, which has multiple years of experience on educational programs and is currently active on multiple European projects. SocratesVI is a sub-team that specializes in education through technologies.
The last 2 years ALTERA VITA has participated in the following projects:
· ERASMUS+KA2–YLYS:2017-1-PL01-KA204-038666, applicant CKU BIALYSTOK, from POLAND, for the YLYS project
· ERASMUS KA2 – WHY: 2017-1-SE01-KA201-034597, applicant Municipality of VASTERAS from Sweden, for the WHY project.
· ERASMUS + KA2 :2019 KA201-CBFBCC04- REFLECT applicant TOPUNT GENT- Belgium.
· ERASMUS +KA2: 2020-KA204-2220CB02- DIGIT-ALL, Digital skills for adults, applicant Orbis Institute, Slovakia.
· ERASMUS +KA2: 2020- KA204-A29E0F47- The Living Art - The Art of Living applicant CKU BIALYSTOK, from POLAND
· ERASMUS +KA2: 2021-KA227-1943795C, Dancefulness for creativity and leadership, applicant Orbis Institute, Slovakia
· ERASMUS + KA2: 2020 619480-EPP-1-2020-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBY-ACPALA, Live on the island, applicant Associazione Ottovolante Sulcis, Italy
· ERASMUS +KA1: 2019-1-TR01-KA105-073564 applicant Rhythm for Peace, Turkey
· ERASMUS + KA1: 2019-2020 Higher Education –NLROTTERD03 2019/20 as receiving Organization of students at University of Rotterdam for a traineeship in TELEMEDICINE.
· ERASMUS + KA1: 2019-2020 Higher Education – NLUTRECHT24 2019/20 as receiving Organization of students of University of UTRECHT for a traineeship in TELEMEDICINE.
· ERASMUS +KA 1 : No 1-FR01-KA102-047463 with the Ecole Régionale de la deuxième chance de Toulouse.
· ERASMUS+KA1: 2020-2-IT03-KA105-019553 In mezzo al mare, applicant Associazione Ottovolante Sulcis, Italy
· ΕRASMUS+ 2021-KA210-ADU-0801C1ED, R.E.D with p63 Sindrome E.E.C International Net Work Word Communication Onlus, Italy
· EUROPEAN SOLIDARITY CORPS, 2020-1-EL02-ESC522018-005925, Quality Label as hosting and Sending Organization for European Solidarity Corps
· EUROPEAN SOLIDARITY CORPS 2020-ESC31-03F52913 Paths of Syros, Applicant Social Cooperative Enterprise of Cyclades
· Participation at the European Seminar « Echanges Culturels de Jeunes par le Théâtre, Quels enjeux et quel avenir dans un monde en crise ? » May 2016 CREARC-Grenoble.
· Participation at the European Seminar « Theatre, the Youth and Europe facing the consequences of the covid-19 pandemic » Grenoble July 2021
Traditional Sailing School
Cyclades Sailing School since 2016, is starting traditional sailing courses in Syros with our Sailing Boat KIVOTOS, for first time in Greece. The aim of the school is to learn Traditional Sailing, to promote our cultural heritage, to save our traditional ships and the survival of the professions related to their construction, especially in Syros, with the huge shipbuilding tradition.
A precondition for our own effort is to get in touch with the traditional sailing sport, acquiring theoretical and practical knowledge and skills of most, hoping to continue in our country the love for the traditional boat. The innovation of our Sailing school is the distance learning of the theoretical course.
After certification of knowledge and written examinations, practising with sailing boats and traditional boats for a week in Syros.
The distance learning system is based on the use of the e-learning Moodle platform.
Municipality of Paros -Cyclades Greece
"Ta Kapetaneika", is a Wooden Sailing Boat Demonstration Race to honour Costas Gouzelis. K. Gouzelis lived and contributed more than forty years in Naoussa, Paros, in the heart of the Aegean and continues to live in the hearts of the people he marked. We want to honour him by filling the bay of Naoussa with sails of all kinds, in wooden frames that he loved so much. With songs, dancing and smiles. To meet friends and meet new people. An unforgettable three days… .. It is the moment when practically everyone, a lover of wooden boats, must prove his love…. Come as if from another era, to show the sea that it is small to fit us. Wooden hulls travelled him to the Aegean, Nyn and Aei.