Internet Addiction Disorder

Like any other compulsive behaviours such as gambling, spending long hours on the internet to shop, browse or game, can produce a rush of dopamine, the brain chemical associated with pleasure. This creates an experience that is similar to that of a drug-induced high, which can be the catalyst for developing symptoms of internet addiction

In late 2017, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that in the upcoming edition (11th Revision) of the International Classification of Diseases* (ICD), gaming disorder will be identified as a new disorder. In some countries, including South Korea and China, video gaming has been recognized as a disorder and treatment programs have been established.

Research is Ongoing

Whether internet gaming should be classified as an addiction/mental disorder is the subject of much debate and a growing body of research. There is neurological research showing similarities in changes in the brain between video gaming and addictive substances.

Common symptoms of internet addiction can include:

  • No longer engaging in activities that were once enjoyed

  • Spending most waking hours online

  • Anger or agitation if you are asked to step away from your device of choice

  • Lying about your internet use

  • Concealing your internet use

Physical symptoms of internet addiction:

  • Fatigue

  • Insomnia

  • Aches and pains from lack of movement

Digestive problems

  • Change in physical appearance/no longer paying attention to grooming or hygiene

  • Unintended weight loss or weight gain

Mental symptoms of internet addiction:

  • Poor concentration capabilities

  • Trouble distinguishing reality from fantasy

  • Memory impairment

Social symptoms of internet addiction:

  • Irritable mood

  • Social isolation

  • Employment problems

  • Strained interpersonal relationships

  • Academic difficulty

  • How to Overcome Internet Addiction

There are tips that you can make room for in your and your children’s daily lives. These tips on how to beat internet addiction are both useful and easy to apply.

Turn off Notifications

Let’s start with an easy step. When you have fewer reminders on your phone or computer, you have less desire to go online. Turning off notifications is one of the most effective ways of managing internet addiction.

Review Your Habits

Children tend to do what their parents do instead of what they say. Review your own online usage habits and see if your behavior is a negative example. This will help both you and your children to get rid of internet addiction.

Connect with Others

When we are addicted to technology, the time and energy we spare on technology and the internet ruin our relationships. Focus on repairing your poor relations. Having real-life connections may make technology and the internet more dispensable.

Restrain Yourself

Both the internet and technology cause compulsive urges to shop, play games or log in to your computer. Set limitations for yourself and stick to them! Try to play computer games only on specific days or shop online only at specific hours and gradually decrease the amount of time you allocate for these activities.

Apply this to your children as well. Set specific times of the day when you will allow them to use their devices and make sure they do not bend the rules. We can imagine how hard it may be to bring such limitations on your child, but keep in mind that the harder it gets, the more important it is to stick to it until the end.

Assigned Spots

The portable nature of devices makes it easier for you or your children to develop a technology addiction. Assign places for your devices and forbid using them in other places. Bedrooms, study rooms, and dining areas must be off-limits.

Keep Track

Keeping track of your screen time is one of the most effective ways of preventing screen addiction. You can use apps that will help you track time and raise self-awareness of your technology addiction. There are also parenting features and apps that will help you set time limitations on your children’s devices.

Reduce the Number of Devices

If you have fewer technology devices you will be less likely to develop a technology addiction.

Turn off Notifications

Notifications are constant reminders and one of the answers to how people become addicted to the internet in the first place.

Nothing Is Black and White



Nothing is black and white, but your screen should be! The colourful displays will attract you and your children. Changing your display settings is one of the best screen addiction treatments.

Put Away Your Phone During Meals

The more you physically carry your devices around, the more you are vulnerable to the effects of internet addiction.

Designate Tech-Free Hours

Why do people become addicted to the internet? Because there are no time or location limits to it. You have to control your usage and when’s and where’s in order to beat internet addiction.



Τελευταία τροποποίηση: Πέμπτη, 31 Μαρτίου 2022, 2:35 AM