Duration: 2x50 minutes (two sessions each lasting 50 minutes)

Purpose: To observe psycho-educational aspects of primary school students during socio-emotional development workshops.

Specific objectives are:

  • Acknowledging positive and negative aspects of socio-emotional competencies.

  • Developing interpersonal relationships from the social and emotional and civic perspective;

  • To verbalize and recognize situations in which the lack of respect and tolerance affect the development of human personality

  • To harness the defining elements of human values, respect and tolerance within the social space;

  • The capacity for self-regulation in the context of adapting to change, directing one’s behavior towards a goal.


  1. Developing human interrelations: The hierarchy of values. What are my values?

  2. Adapting my own behavior to change.

  3. Self-regulation/Self-efficiency (Annex 1 – About Self-regulation)


Learning Situation:” Respect and its forms”

Activity 1. Starting with proverb examples (card based) that focus on the value of respect, the children organized in teams of 2 people, will analyze the card and will enact the content in a role-playing game (Annex 2 – Examples of proverbs and cards).

Activity suggestion: Role playing game.

Students will work in teams. Every team gets a card that the members will put into a scene as part of the role playing game.

While they enact the scene and change roles amongst each other, one member of the team is given the responsibility of writing/observing/drawing the forms of respect given to the student playing the lead. Then the students will be asked to change roles and someone else will describe the form the type of respect identified.

As to what the teacher is concerned, insist on the importance of developing healthy relationships and forming social behaviours based on respect and tolerance.

Activity 2. The children will watch a digital story. After school, two classmates (and friends) meet in the park. They have a fall out and they blame each other for being excluded from a common project. During class, the two friends were planning their holiday instead of paying attention to the teacher’s explanations. As a consequence of their behaviour, the teacher excluded both of them from the project.



Describing the activity:


This type of integrated activity is based on the organizing system of the teacher that bears the role of moderator, activity facilitator and guide in identifying the computational thinking sequences and will last 100 minutes divided into two parts.

It is necessary to split the moments of learning into:

  • The affective sequence/component – introduction into the atmosphere of learning, exercising through the suggested role-playing scenarios for acknowledging the problem at hand.

  • The cognitive sequence /component of identifying and interpreting the roles for becoming aware, interiorizing decisional aspects and making use of inner strength in order for these to be expressed at the level of attitudes.


Children are asked to relay keywords that describe the story they’ve just seen. The teacher will write each word on the blackboard. The words will be arranged in the chronological order of the events presented in the digital story.


The class has a “classroom journal” that begins with the school year. The journal is taken home, by each student at a time, and they write notable events that happened at school that day.

The task is to note the events from the digital story in the journal. The activity is guided by the teacher with the help of students. The teacher will try to identify the essential aspects of the events, and those that can be eliminated from the description (i.e. the weather, environment, clothing, etc...). The act of writing in the journal will be done by the student whose turn it is.

Pattern recognition

The teacher will discuss one similar prior experience encountered in the class journal. The students will indicate the similarities and differences between the experience the teacher presents and the digital story. (Annex 3 - Similarities and differences)

Algorithmic Thinking:

Worksheet 2. The children will have to fill in a worksheet where they imagine new behaviours and dialogues that might change the course of events (Annex 4 Worksheet about behaviour and dialogue).


Ideal (Respect wise)






Class Discussion - Students will have an opportunity to talk about their decisions regarding the digital story they watched. They will indicate the value that was the focus of the activity - respect. The positive and negative consequences of decisions will also be discussed.


First proposal of an assessment: children will envision a reply or a line that when used at the right moment in the story it could alter the events presented in the digital story towards a positive outlook. Annex 5 – Final assessment - The power of words

Second proposal of an assessment: children will have to check the right answer on the worksheet

Annex 6 – Final assessment – The right answer

Annex 1 – Self-regulation

Self-regulation is the art of controlling one’s response to emotion – anticipating results in an effort to avoid being emotionally reactive in personal and social situations.

Self-regulation represents the ability to face emotions and behave in accordance with the given situation. It includes the ability to have emotional appropriate emotional reactions to bothering stimuli, to be able to maintain calm when one is upset, to be able to adapt to changes and to succeed in facing frustrations without outbursts. It is a set of aptitudes that allows children, as they mature, to direct their own behavior towards a goal, despite unpredictability and their own emotions.

Annex 2 – Examples of proverbs and cards

Última alteração: sexta-feira, 22 de março de 2024 às 00:57