Access to Ιnformation

In an age where information is abundantly available at our fingertips, our ability to access, evaluate, and utilise this information is paramount. This section delves into the multi-faceted concepts of information access and sources, and the critical skills required to navigate them.

The key objectives of this section are to:

  1. Understand the diversity of information sources: You will acquire an in-depth understanding of different information sources, from traditional to digital, and the ability to recognise the distinctive features of each source.

  2. Develop skills in evaluating the quality of information: You will acquire skills in evaluating the quality and reliability of information sources, including criteria such as the author, the source, references, and the fact-checking process.

  3. Promote awareness of misinformation: You will develop the ability to recognise misinformation and develop coping skills, helping participants to discern accurately from misleading information.
  4. Cultivate effective research skills: You wildevelop effective research skills that enable participants to quickly and accurately find the information they need to make informed decisions.

 Think for a moment...
  • Can you distinguish a valid source of information from a non-valid one?
  • What aspects do you pay attention to while getting information from a source?
  • What makes you suspicious of an author's content?

Last modified: Monday, 24 June 2024, 2:07 PM