
Welcome to the "Digital Content Creation" module. Let us embark on a journey to explore and acquire fundamental knowledge related to the world of digital content. In a world reshaped by the pandemic, the convergence of physical and online realms has created a dynamic environment, giving rise to unprecedented opportunities in digital marketing.

In this module, we will explore the transformative landscape of digital content creation, delving into the strategies that have emerged in response to the changing needs of a more digitally engaged audience.

The Learning Objectives of the module are to: 

  1. Identify the unique characteristics of digital marketing as a key exponent of business strategies in interconnected environments. 
  2. Recognize the importance of digital transformation and the incorporation of digitization strategies in businesses. 
  3. Communicate in digital environments; connect and collaborate with others; interact and participate in communities and networks; foster a digital culture. 
  4. Identify digital technologies for sharing information, data, and digital content. 
  5. Recognize digital technologies to build confidence and participate as a citizen in society
  6. Differentiate basic behavioral norms and digital environments management. 
  7. Choose communication forms and strategies tailored to a specific audience. 
  8. Understand the actions to implement the digitization of commercial strategies online.

Think for a moment...
The various strategies designed to capture our attention have been deployed with the aim of keeping us in the digital sphere. To this end, the offer is now more varied and complex than ever. For this reason, we must strive to define our interests, obligations, and duties in this area.

In other words, we have the obligation and the need to become digital citizens in order to be aware of our rights and duties, to be able to fulfill them and claim them when necessary.

Posledná zmena: Piatok, 13 september 2024, 14:57