Bibliografia e Sitografia

  1. Baran, J.S. & Davis, D.K. (2012). Mass Communication Theory: Foundation, Ferment and future, 6th edn. Boston: wadsworth, Cengage Publication

  2. Bill Bryson(2009) Mothertongue: the story of the english language, Penguin books

  3.  McLuhan M. (1964) Understanding Media: the extensions of man, McGraw-Hill

  4. McQuail, D. (2010). Mass Communication Theory 6th edn. London: Sage Publication.

  5. Crystal,D. (2005), The scope of internet linguistics, Paper given online to the american association for the advancement of science meeting.

  6. Unione Europea,

Last modified: Monday, 27 May 2024, 4:00 PM