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The members of our organization have earned each other’s trust over the years in various events, projects and other activities during a lot of years of experience in working with Youth, motivation, management, administration, project work, the realization of different ideas and events and etc.
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Page ΕΝSEL Network and Wellbeing Working group >>

Ensel Network and Well-Being

 ENSA -Working Group

At the Annual Assembly of ENSA on 15th November 2022 in Venice, after a proposal of Annalisa Bisson, Legal Representative of ENSA network - Director of International Relations, and Elena Courtopassi Social Policy Officer - Veneto Region, Brussels' Office, Veneto Region, and the acceptance of the Members, was created a new working group for promoting well-being and implementing Social Emotional Learning in Europe. The coordination in the thematic working group Wellbeing and Social Emotional Learning changes every fourth year.

Altera Vita, Greece

The present coordination of the thematic ENSA working group- Wellbeing and Social Emotional Learning - is led by the Social Cooperative of Cyclades, Greece, represented by Miltos Sakellariou, Family Therapist, Prevention Counselor in Addiction, Chairman of the Board and founding member of the Social Cooperative of Cyclades–ALTERA VITA.


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Page Επιχειρησιακό Πρόγραμμα Νοτίου Αιγαίου 2014-2020