DIGIT-ALL project offers free access to three online courses in 7 languages that will provide the users with the possibility to develop level two skills according to the DigComp structure, which will allow them to use digital equipment safely.
Each course is composed of several training modules. Participants in the online courses will receive a digital badge each time they successfully complete a quiz in a training module. Each badge has an encrypted file attached with information about the DIGIT-ALL project, and the skills and knowledge that it certifies.
Course 1: Safety
The main topic is cybersecurity with a special focus on the protection of devices, personal data, health, well-being, and the environment
Course 2: Information and data literacy
Develop skills related to research, analysis and evaluation of data, information and digital content
Course 3: Communication and collaboration
Focus is on the aspects related to online communication and collaboration, namely interacting, sharing, collaborating, participating in citizenship and managing digital identity
Project partners:
· Orbis Institute, Slovakia
· Centro Integrado Público de Formación Profesional Misericordia, Spain
· Metodo Estudios Consultores Sl Spain
· Uniao Das Freguesias De Gondomar (Scosme) Valbom E Jovim, Portugal
· Social Cooperative Enterprise of Cyclades, Greece
· Ju Srednja ekonomsko-ugostiteljska škola Bar, Montenegro
· Tarsus Ticaret ve Sanayi Odasi, Turkey
For more information on the project please visit
You can sign up for the courses by clicking on the selected course below. After you register to the platform, you must ENROL to the course to be able to later access the certification process.