• Who we are

    Distance Learning  Seminars

    Experts with special knowledge, experience, and training in their subject offer the opportunity for trainees to follow a flexible program from wherever they are, with only limited access to the internet. 

    Our distance learning system based on the use of e-learning Moodle platform. 
    The Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Developmental Learning Environment) is a certified free educational content management software (Course Management System).
    Moodle is primarily used for the purpose of asynchronous Distance learning

    The seminars can be attended by all those who have a Windows operating system and are familiar with the basics of using the computer (word processor, web browsing, email). 
    Participants divide into groups of 15-20 people. Each group is a virtual, E-class within which learners will work together and with the trainers.  Upon completion of each seminar, a certificate of participation is issued..


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